Rosann Santos is a FranklinCovey Senior Leadership Consultant. Recently she worked with FranklinCovey to create a video series, The Two-Minute Mentor, to provide career advice for creating a more cohesive workplace environment.
In the fourth video of the series she offers, “3 Ways to Push Back on Work Requests (Professionally) That Won’t Help Your Larger Goals”
The first tip:
When someone makes a request don’t assume you need to drop everything to do it in the moment. Instead, clarify how important and urgent the request really is.
The full video can be viewed at the link below for context:
She explained, “You might ask. What’s the time-frame for this, can it wait til tomorrow?”
Rosann explains the importance of, “Don’t get pulled into the zone of urgency. Take control so you can stay focused on what really matters.”
Rosann Santos has worked in the higher education and non-profit sectors for over 25 years.Her success in coaching, public speaking and training is linked to her philosophy: it is important to view yourself and others from a strengths-based lens rather than a deficit lens. She approaches all of her work and interactions with that in mind.
Rosann is especially skilled at helping learners understand their personal power, unleash their audacity and getting unstuck. She is an in-demand keynote speaker in both English and Spanish and trained to facilitate multiple leadership modalities in both languages.
Rosann Santos is a FranklinCovey Senior Leadership Consultant. Recently she worked with...
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Rosann Santos is a FranklinCovey Senior Leadership Consultant. Recently she worked...
January 31, 20250 comment
Rosann Santos is a FranklinCovey Senior Leadership Consultant. Recently she worked...
December 31, 20240 comment